I want to talk about compassion and how it applies to getting through the tough times in our lives. This past week, I was missing my mom (who passed away six months ago) and beat myself up for not being by her side when she passed. The Covid Era. Oh, how it has changed so many lives. I think we have gotten through the worst of it (my hope is alive).
The dictionary defines compassion as a sympathetic concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others. If someone shows kindness, caring, and willingness to help others, they are showing compassion. When you have understanding, you’re putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and feeling for them. I get all that. I’m a nurse; compassion is easy for me with others. But what if the person needing compassion is yourself?
That is where I find difficulty. How do we stop the negative tapes from starting to play?
How do I practice self–compassion and overcome self–judgment?
This is what I have ti remind myself to do. Go back to my basic coping skills:
· I take a walk-in nature ( ok this time I cried the whole time )
· I journal my feelings. Sometimes I don’t know how I feel If I don’t write them down. There it all seems to come out.
· I put lavender in my diffuser and breathe in and out…slowly.
· I meditate.
· I watch a funny movie
· I listen to soothing music
· I read books from Jack Kornfield check him out ( https://jackkornfield.com/bio/)
· I remind myself that I am strong, safe, loved, and live with peace.
· I try to rewind the negative tapes and listen to something uplifting.
And if all that doesn’t work, I go to bed early and pray that tomorrow will be better.
I've learned from experience that it always gets better !
Other people I love to follow for their positive messages. You might like them too.
Life is about sharing, helping others get through the tough times, and celebrating the good times and everything in between. Let’s stop taking ourselves so serious and have more fun!
I hope that you can find your own self-compassion and practice it daily. Be gentle with yourself.
Hugs, until next time!